Игры World of Warcraft Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 98 (достижения 4851 — 4900)

Naval Treasure Specialist
Complete 25 Naval Treasure Missions.
Naval Combat Specialist
Complete 25 Naval Combat Missions.
Naval Siege Expert
Complete 25 Naval Siege Missions.
Naval Combat Expert
Complete 50 Naval Combat Missions.
40 Exalted Reputations
Raise 40 reputations to Exalted.
Glory of the Hellfire Raider
Complete the Hellfire Citadel raid achievements listed below.
Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate
Acquire your legendary ring by completing Khadgar's quests.
Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling
Obtain the Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling from Warlords of Draenor Arena Season 3
35 Exalted Reputations
Raise 35 reputations to Exalted.
Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling
Obtain the Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling from Warlords of Draenor Arena Season 2
Soldier of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 35% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Guardian of the Horde: Warlords Season 2
End Warlords PvP season 2 in the top 3% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 2).
The Winds of the North
Gain Exalted reputation with the Alliance Vanguard.
Defender of the Horde: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 10% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Defender of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 10% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Guardian of the Horde: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 3% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Guardian of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 3% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Hero of the Horde: Warmongering
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Hero of the Alliance: Warmongering
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Challenger: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 35% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Rival: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 10% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Duelist: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 3% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
Gladiator: Warlords Season 3
End Warlords PvP season 3 in the top 0.5% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won in Warlords Season 3).
The Winds of the North
Gain Exalted reputation with the Horde Expedition.
Mythic: The Everbloom
Defeat Yalnu in The Everbloom on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Skyreach
Defeat High Sage Viryx in Skyreach on Mythic difficulty.
Naval Training Specialist
Complete 10 Naval Training Missions.
Halls of Blood
Defeat the following bosses in the depths of Hellfire Citadel:
Mythic: Fel Lord Zakuun
Defeat Fel Lord Zakuun in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Shadow-Lord Iskar
Defeat Shadow-Lord Iskar in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Naval Bonus Expert
Complete 25 Naval Bonus Missions.
Mythic: Kilrogg Deadeye
Defeat Kilrogg Deadeye in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Hellfire High Council
Defeat the Hellfire High Council in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Kormrok
Defeat Kormrok in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Iron Reaver
Defeat the Iron Reaver in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Bad Manner(oth)
Kill a Doom Lord using Empowered Felseeker, then defeat Mannoroth in Hellfire Citadel on Normal difficulty or higher.
Mythic: Hellfire Assault
Complete the Hellfire Assault encounter in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Nearly Indestructible
Complete the Hellfire Assault encounter in Hellfire Citadel while keeping the Hellfire Cannons above 90% health on Normal difficulty or higher.
Bastion of Shadows
Defeat the following bosses in the upper reaches of Hellfire Citadel:
Defeat the following bosses at the entrance to Hellfire Citadel:
Mythic: Socrethar the Eternal
Defeat Socrethar the Eternal in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate
Acquire your legendary ring by completing Khadgar's quests.
Destructor's Rise
Defeat the following bosses in the upper reaches of Hellfire Citadel:
The Black Gate
Defeat Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel.
Draenor Pathfinder
Complete the Draenor achievements listed below.
Naval Bonus Specialist
Complete 10 Naval Bonus Missions.
Full Discography
Collect all of the Music Rolls available for your garrison's jukebox.
Full Discography
Collect all of the Music Rolls available for your garrison's jukebox.
Waves Came Crashing Down All Around
Defeat Kormrok in Hellfire Citadel without taking damage from any of the waves on Normal difficulty or higher.
This Land Was Green and Good Until...
Defeat Fel Lord Zakuun in Hellfire Citadel without absorbing any Rumbling Fissures on Normal difficulty or higher.