Игры World of Warcraft Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 77 (достижения 3801 — 3850)

The Long Con
Complete Roko the Wandering Merchant's storyline in Tiragarde Sound.
7th Legion Spycatcher
Slay all of the invaders in the Nazmir world quest "Don't Stalk Me, Troll" in 60 seconds while not in a group.
Zandalari Spycatcher
Slay all of the invaders in the Nazmir world quest "Don't Stalk Me, Troll" in 60 seconds while not in a group.
Carved in Stone, Written in Blood
Study the history of the blood trolls by locating the following pictographs in Nazmir.
It's Really Getting Out of Hand
Become the Hand of Fate and complete the Nazmir world quest "Getting out of hand" in 20 seconds while not in a group.
Revenge is Best Served Speedily
Ride the frog loa and complete the Nazmir world quest "Revenge of Krag'wa" in 45 seconds while not in a group.
A Most Efficient Apocalypse
Board the A.F.M.O.D and complete the Nazmir world quest "Cancel the Blood Troll Apocalypse" in 30 seconds while not in a group.
Bow to Your Masters
Show respect to the loa of Zandalar.
Dune Rider
Ride all of the rickety planks in Vol'dun
Champion of the Vulpera
Rescue vulpera in Vol'dun.
Scavenger of the Sands
Collect all the junk items lost in the sands of Vol'dun.
Vorrik's Champion
Assault Faithless in Vol'dun with Vorrik's Bulwark, Rakjan the Unbroken, or a Battle Krolusk.
Life Finds a Way... To Die!
Hunt down and kill a fearsome dinosaur of each species from the following list in Zuldazar and Nazmir.
Bless the Rains Down in Freehold
Hit the following targets with Vile Bombardment during "Swab This!" in Tiragarde Sound.
Mythic: G'huun Guild Run
Defeat G'huun in Uldir on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Heritage of the Dark Iron
Earn level 50 on a newly created Dark Iron dwarf character.
Cursed Game Hunter
Kill one of every type of cursed animal in Drustvar.
Dread Gladiator's Proto-Drake
Obtain the Dread Gladiator's Proto-Drake from Battle for Azeroth Season 1.
Strand of the Ancients Veteran
Complete 100 victories in Strand of the Ancients.
Sausage Sampler
Eat the following sausages from Drustvar.
Better, Faster, Stronger
Simultaneously have have all four Witch's Boon effects on you, as well as Witch's Curse: Newt, in Drustvar.
Everything Old Is New Again
Find and return the following Order of Embers relics to their rightful place in Drustvar.
Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season One
Complete all Battle for Azeroth Season One dungeons at Mythic Level 15 or higher, within the time limit.
Strand of the Ancients Victory
Win Strand of the Ancients.
Battle for Azeroth Keystone Conqueror: Season One
Complete all Battle for Azeroth Season One dungeons at Mythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.
Realm First! Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master
Participated in the realm-first completion of a Level 15 or higher Battle for Azeroth Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Heritage of the Mag'har
Earn level 50 on a newly created Mag'har orc character.
Battle for Azeroth Keymaster
Complete the following Battle for Azeroth dungeons using a Mythic Keystone:
Legends of the Tidesages
Discover each of the lore objects in Stormsong Valley that tell the legacy of the tidesages.
Keystone Master Guild Run
Complete a Level 15 or higher Mythic dungeon within the time limit while in a guild group.
Upper Blackrock Spire (Classic)
Defeat General Drakkisath.
Drust the Facts, Ma'am
Find and read all of the following Drust Stele in Drustvar.
Let's Bee Friends
Feed Bumbles in Stormsong Valley the Mildenhall Growth Formula.
Three Sheets to the Wind
Acquire all of these Kul Tiran drinks.
Kul Runnings
Complete all of the pengling sledding world quests on Kul Tiras.
Drag Race
Use the Bolas to drag 5 invading troggs behind Cooper at the same time in the Norwington Estate in Tiragarde Sound.
Kul Tiran Up the Dance Floor
/dance with another player on the dance floor of the Norwington Estate in Tiragarde Sound.
Shanty Raid
Find the Forbidden Sea Shanties of Tiragarde Sound.
Giving a Scrap
Learn how to use the Shred-Master Mk1.
Sabertron Assemble
Destroy each color of Sabertron in Stormsong Valley.
Deadliest Cache
Listen to the tall tales of Coxswain Hook, Master Gunner Line, and "Sinker" at Thresher's Wharf in Stormsong Valley.
Scourge of Zem'lan
Kill pirates while accompanied by Ol' Bonebite at the Port of Zem'lan in Vol'dun.
Adept Sandfisher
Collect each of the Sandworm Scales listed below from Sandfishing in Vol'dun.
No Stable Big Enough
Obtain 350 mounts (usable by a single character).
Talanji's Expedition
Earn Exalted status with Talanji's Expedition.
Master of Minions
Collect 1000 unique pets.
Champion of the Honorbound
Earn Exalted Status with the Honorbound.
Tortollan Seekers
Earn Exalted Status with the Tortollan Seekers.
Champions of Azeroth
Earn Exalted Status with the Champions of Azeroth.
Champion of the 7th Legion
Earn Exalted Status with the 7th Legion.