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7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 66 (достижения 3251 — 3300)

Достижение Mythic: Ko'ragh в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Mythic: Ko'ragh
Defeat Ko'ragh in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.
Достижение Mythic: Twin Ogron в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Mythic: Twin Ogron
Defeat the Twin Ogron in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.
Достижение Mythic: Brackenspore в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Mythic: Brackenspore
Defeat Brackenspore in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.
Достижение Mythic: Tectus в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Mythic: Tectus
Defeat Tectus in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.
Достижение A Quest a Day Keeps the Ogres at Bay в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
A Quest a Day Keeps the Ogres at Bay
Earn Exalted status within Ogri'la.
Достижение Explore Frostfire Ridge в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Explore Frostfire Ridge
Explore Frostfire Ridge, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Достижение Brothers in Arms в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Brothers in Arms
Defeat the Twin Ogron in Highmaul without their Disposition ever exceeding 30% on Normal difficulty or higher.
Достижение Mythic: Beastlord Darmac в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Mythic: Beastlord Darmac
Defeat Beastlord Darmac in Blackrock Foundry on Mythic difficulty.
Достижение Ashes, Ashes... в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Ashes, Ashes...
Defeat Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry after catching 20 Falling Ashes on Normal difficulty or higher.
Достижение Mythic: Kargath Bladefist в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Mythic: Kargath Bladefist
Defeat Kargath Bladefist in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.
Достижение Flame On! в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Flame On!
Defeat Kargath Bladefist in Highmaul without destroying any Fire Pillars on Normal difficulty or higher.
Достижение Hurry Up, Maggot! в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Hurry Up, Maggot!
Cause the Butcher in Highmaul to slay 6 Maggots before defeating him on Normal difficulty or higher.
Достижение Explore Nagrand в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Explore Nagrand
Explore Nagrand, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Достижение Explore Spires of Arak в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Explore Spires of Arak
Explore Spires of Arak, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Достижение Explore Talador в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Explore Talador
Explore Talador, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Достижение Flying High Over Skettis в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Flying High Over Skettis
Earn Exalted status within the Sha'tari Skyguard.
Достижение Explore Gorgrond в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Explore Gorgrond
Explore Gorgrond, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Достижение Explore Shadowmoon Valley в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Explore Shadowmoon Valley
Explore Shadowmoon Valley, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Достижение Upper Blackrock Spire: Silver в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Upper Blackrock Spire: Silver
Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
Достижение Upper Blackrock Spire Challenger в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Upper Blackrock Spire Challenger
Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode.
Достижение Mythic: Iron Maidens в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Mythic: Iron Maidens
Defeat the Iron Maidens in Blackrock Foundry on Mythic difficulty.
Достижение Celestial Challenge Guild Run в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Celestial Challenge Guild Run
Complete the trials of all four Celestials, besting them each in combat on the Timeless Isle, while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.
Достижение WoW's 10th Anniversary в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
WoW's 10th Anniversary
Logged in during WoW's 10th Anniversary.
Достижение Fiery Warhorse's Reins в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Fiery Warhorse's Reins
Obtain the Fiery Warhorse's Reins from Attumen the Huntsman in Karazhan.
Достижение You're Really Doing It Wrong (Level 90) в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
You're Really Doing It Wrong (Level 90)
Successfully completed any of the Level 90 Basic (Gold) trials at the Proving Grounds, while in a specialization not suited for it.
Достижение Swift Razzashi Raptor в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Swift Razzashi Raptor
Obtain the Swift Razzashi Raptor from Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul'Gurub.
Достижение Swift Zulian Tiger в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Swift Zulian Tiger
Obtain the Swift Zulian Tiger from High Priest Thekal in Zul'Gurub.
Достижение Collector's Edition: Treasure Goblin в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Collector's Edition: Treasure Goblin
Owner of the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition Treasure Goblin pet.
Достижение Friends In Places Even Higher Than That в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Friends In Places Even Higher Than That
Obtain an Emerald Hippogryph mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.
Достижение Murkalot в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Proud owner of Murkalot from the 2013 BlizzCon.
Достижение Tyrannical Gladiator в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Tyrannical Gladiator
Achieved Tyrannical Gladiator title.
Достижение Ordos Guild Run в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Ordos Guild Run
Defeat Ordos, Fire-God of the Yaungol, atop the Timeless Isle, while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.
Достижение Old School Ride в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Old School Ride
Owner of one of the original epic mounts that are no longer attainable.
Достижение Timeless Legends в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Timeless Legends
Find all of the lost pandaren artifacts on the Timeless Isle.
Достижение Swift White Hawkstrider в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Swift White Hawkstrider
Obtain the Swift White Hawkstrider from Kael'thas Sunstrider in Magister's Terrace.
Достижение One That Didn't Get Away в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
One That Didn't Get Away
Catch one of the rare fish in the list below.
Достижение The Cake Is Not A Lie в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
The Cake Is Not A Lie
Bake a Delicious Chocolate Cake.
Достижение Brutally Dedicated в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Brutally Dedicated
Win 300 ranked arena matches.
Достижение Vengefully Dedicated в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Vengefully Dedicated
Win 200 ranked arena matches.
Достижение Zarhym Altogether в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Zarhym Altogether
Help Zarhym find his body in the Cavern of Lost Spirits on Timeless Isle.
Достижение Rolo's Riddle в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Rolo's Riddle
Solve Rolo's Riddle on the Timeless Isle.
Достижение Frostwolf Perfection в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Frostwolf Perfection
Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Alliance's towers.
Достижение Treasure, Treasure Everywhere в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Treasure, Treasure Everywhere
Locate all of the Moss-Covered, Skull-Covered, Sturdy, Smoldering, and Blazing chests on the Timeless Isle.
Достижение Going To Need A Bigger Bag в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Going To Need A Bigger Bag
Obtain all of the rare items from the Timeless Isle listed below.
Достижение Where There's Pirates, There's Booty в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Where There's Pirates, There's Booty
Obtain the Sunken Treasure, Blackguard's Jetsam, and Gleaming Treasure Satchel on the Timeless Isle.
Достижение Extreme Treasure Hunter в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Extreme Treasure Hunter
Find and loot the Gleaming Treasure Chest, Rope-Bound Treasure Chest, and a Mist-Covered Treasure Chest on the Timeless Isle.
Достижение Reins of the Raven Lord в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Reins of the Raven Lord
Obtain the Reins of the Raven Lord from Anzu in Sethekk Halls.
Достижение Skyreach в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Defeat High Sage Viryx in Skyreach.
Достижение Grimrail Depot: Gold в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Grimrail Depot: Gold
Complete the Grimrail Depot Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
Достижение Vengeful Nether Drake в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Vengeful Nether Drake
Obtain the Vengeful Nether Drake from Arena Season 3 of The Burning Crusade.