Игры World of Warcraft Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 56 (достижения 2751 — 2800)

The Ringing Deeps Reverse: Bronze
Complete all reverse races in The Ringing Deeps.
The Ringing Deeps Advanced: Gold
Obtain gold in all advanced races in The Ringing Deeps.
On a Few Missions
Complete 50 garrison missions.
Garrison Buddies
Visit a friend's garrison and /wave.
Temple of the Jade Serpent: Bronze
Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
Locking Down the Docks
Complete all of the Angler's Wharf dailies.
Explore The Hinterlands
Explore The Hinterlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Hillsbrad Foothills
Explore Hillsbrad Foothills, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Eastern Plaguelands
Explore Eastern Plaguelands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Western Plaguelands
Explore Western Plaguelands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Silverpine Forest
Explore Silverpine Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Tirisfal Glades
Explore Tirisfal Glades, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Blasted Lands
Explore Blasted Lands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Badlands
Explore Badlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
The Burning Crusader
Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to Exalted.
The Burning Crusader
Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to Exalted.
Ambassador of the Horde
Earn Exalted reputation with all six Horde factions.
The Seat of Knowledge
Restore and display pristine versions of all Pandaren and Mogu artifacts.
Explore Burning Steppes
Explore Burning Steppes, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Pandarian Angler
Catch each type of fish native to Pandaria.
Explore Arathi Highlands
Explore Arathi Highlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Tricks and Treats of Pandaria
Visit the Candy Buckets in Pandaria.
Tricks and Treats of Pandaria
Visit the Candy Buckets in Pandaria.
Chapter IV: Celestial Blessings
Accompany Wrathion on his journey to obtain blessings from the four August Celestials.
Chapter III: Two Princes
Discover the secrets of the mogu with Wrathion, and deliver to him the heart of the Thunder King.
Chapter II: Wrathion's War
Prove Alliance superiority to Wrathion by completing his trials after your forces land on the beach.
Chapter I: Trial of the Black Prince
Prove your worth to Wrathion and acquire a sha-touched gem upgrade.
No Tank You
Destroy Big Bessa without anyone being hit by its ram or cannon.
Kite Fight
Defeat Baldruc without destroying any of his totems.
No Tank You
Destroy Gatecrusher without anyone being hit by its ram or stone-thrower.
Explore Searing Gorge
Explore Searing Gorge, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Explore Elwynn Forest
Explore Elwynn Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Taming Cataclysm
Defeat all of the Pet Tamers in Cataclysm listed below.
We're Going to Need More Saddles
Obtain 150 mounts (usable by a single character).
Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 1)
Reach Rank 8 with Bizmo's Brawlpub during the Pandaria campaign.
The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1)
Reach Rank 7 with Bizmo's Brawlpub during the Pandaria campaign.
The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1)
Reach Rank 7 with Brawl'gar Arena during the Pandaria campaign.
You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 1)
Win a brawl during the Pandaria campaign.
Pandaren Spirit Tamer
Complete the Pandaren Spirit Tamer quest.
Raiding with Leashes
Collect all of the battle pets listed below from classic raids.
And... It's Good!
Fly through the discs above the Engine of Nalak'sha in Mogu'shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty.
I'm In Your Base, Killing Your Dudes
Kill all three of the opposing faction's champions in Krasarang Wilds.
Dominance Offensive Campaign
Complete the Dominance Offensive storylines listed below.
Operation: Shieldwall Campaign
Complete the Operation: Shieldwall storylines listed below.
I Choose You
Complete the Grand Master Aki quest.
We're Going to Need More Saddles
Obtain 150 mounts (usable by a single character).
Explore Deadwind Pass
Explore Deadwind Pass, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
WoW's 9th Anniversary
Logged in during WoW's 9th Anniversary.
They're Both Footballs?
Proud owner of the 2012 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Pigskin and Foot Ball.
Raise 25 reputations to Exalted.