World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft — легендарный многопользовательский ролевой экшен с видом от третьего лица в фэнтезийной вселенной Warcraft. Полный решимости заселить засушливые... Подробнее
7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 5 (достижения 201 — 250)
The Arachnid Quarter (10 player)
Defeat the bosses of The Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas in 10-player mode.
5000 Conquest Points
Earn 5000 Conquest Points
D.E.H.T.A's Little P.I.T.A.
Uphold D.E.H.T.A's beliefs by completing all of the quests up to and including the Assassination of Harold Lane.
Deadliest Catch
Fish up Gahz'ranka in Zul'Gurub using the Mudskunk Lure.
Win a need roll on a superior or better item above level 185 by rolling 100.
Win a greed roll on a superior or better item above level 185 by rolling 100.
Equip a superior item in every slot with a minimum item level of 187 (prior to Battle for Azeroth).
Equip an epic item in every slot with a minimum item level of 213 (prior to Battle for Azeroth).
Double Jeopardy
Win a Twin Peaks battle after being behind by a score of 0 to 2.
To All the Squirrels Who Cared for Me
The Cataclysm has brought more critters to Azeroth. You must /love them too.
Glutton for Shadowy Punishment
In Archmage Xylem's Trial of Shadow in Azshara, trap 20 Weeping Souls without taking damage.
Glutton for Icy Punishment
In Archmage Xylem's Trial of Frost in Azshara, gain 20 stacks of Essence of Ice without taking damage.
1000 Conquest Points
Earn 1000 Conquest Points
25,000 Conquest Points
Earn 25,000 Conquest Points
Pardon Denied
Defeat Baron Ashbury without letting him heal with Stay of Execution in Shadowfang Keep on Heroic Difficulty.
50,000 Conquest Points
Earn 50,000 Conquest Points
50,000 Valor Points
Earn 50,000 Valor Points.
25,000 Valor Points
Earn 25,000 Valor Points.
5000 Valor Points
Earn 5000 Valor Points.
1000 Valor Points
Earn 1000 Valor Points.
Veteran of the Shifting Sands
Completed the gates of Ahn'Qiraj quest chain up to and including Treasure of the Timeless One (even if someone else ended up with the mount).
Stood in the Fire
Get killed by Deathwing.
WoW's 6th Anniversary
Logged in during WoW's 6th Anniversary.
It's Always in the Last Place You Look
Recover archaeology artifacts from each of the following races.
Defender of a Shattered World
Complete the raids and Heroic dungeons listed below.
Bullet Time
Defeat 12 Bloodthirsty Ghouls with Pistol Barrage and then defeat Lord Godfrey in Shadowfang Keep on Heroic Difficulty.
To the Ground!
Defeat Commander Springvale without allowing him to receive Unholy Empowerment in Shadowfang Keep on Heroic Difficulty.
I Hate That Song
Defeat Temple Guardian Anhuur without allowing him to sing Reverberating Hymn for more than 15 seconds in Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.
Acrocalypse Now
Defeat 20 Frenzied Crocolisks within 10 seconds during the Lockmaw encounter in the Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic Difficulty.
Do a Barrel Roll!
Defeat Alysrazor in the Firelands without any raid member getting hit by the following attacks.
Heroic: The Violet Hold Guild Run
Defeat Cyanigosa in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run
Defeat The Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run
Defeat The Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Atramedes
Defeat Atramedes in Blackwing Descent on Heroic Difficulty.
Heroic: Maloriak
Defeat Maloriak in Blackwing Descent on Heroic Difficulty.
Heroic: Omnotron Defense System
Defeat the Omnotron Defense System in Blackwing Descent on Heroic Difficulty.
Heroic: The Culling of Stratholme Guild Run
Defeat Mal'Ganis on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle Guild Run
Defeat King Ymiron on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: The Oculus Guild Run
Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Halls of Lightning Guild Run
Defeat Loken on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Halls of Stone Guild Run
Defeat The Tribunal of Ages the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Gundrak Guild Run
Defeat Gal'darah on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Drak'Tharon Keep Guild Run
Defeat The Prophet Tharon'ja on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: The Pit of Saron Guild Run
Defeat Scourgelord Tyrannus and Rimefang in The Pit of Saron on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Guild Run
Defeat Herald Volazj on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Azjol-Nerub Guild Run
Defeat Anub'arak on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: The Nexus Guild Run
Defeat Keristrasza on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Utgarde Keep Guild Run
Defeat Ingvar the Plunderer on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Magmaw
Defeat Magmaw in Blackwing Descent on Heroic Difficulty.
Heroic: Shadowfang Keep
Defeat Lord Godfrey in Shadowfang Keep on Heroic Difficulty.