Игры World of Warcraft Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 26 (достижения 1251 — 1300)

Heroic: Throne of Thunder
Defeat the following enemies in the Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Throne of Thunder
Defeat the following enemies in the Throne of Thunder on Normal difficulty or higher.
Raid Finder: Throne of Thunder
Defeat the following enemies in the Throne of Thunder on any difficulty.
Heroic: Terrace of Endless Spring
Defeat the following enemies in the Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.
Terrace of Endless Spring
Defeat the following enemies in the Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal difficulty or higher.
Raid Finder: Terrace of Endless Spring
Defeat the following enemies in the Terrace of Endless Spring on any difficulty.
Heroic: Heart of Fear
Defeat the following enemies in the Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Heart of Fear
Defeat the following enemies in the Heart of Fear on Normal difficulty or higher.
Raid Finder: Heart of Fear
Defeat the following enemies in the Heart of Fear on any difficulty.
Heroic: Mogu'shan Vaults
Defeat the following enemies in the Mogu'shan Vaults on Heroic difficulty.
Not In My House
In a single Warsong Gulch battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Silverwing Flag Room.
Chaos Theory
Defeat Anomalus in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without destroying any Chaotic Rifts.
Wintergrasp Ranger
Kill 10 players in each of the Wintergrasp areas listed below.
The Safety Dance (25 player)
Defeat Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid dying in 25-player mode.
Split Personality
Defeat Grand Magus Telestra in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty after having killed her images within 5 seconds of the first one dying during each split.
Denyin' the Scion (25 player)
Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hover disk in 25-player mode.
Denyin' the Scion (10 player)
Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hover disk in 10-player mode.
The Hundred Club (25 player)
Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100 in 25-player mode.
The Hundred Club (10 player)
Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100 in 10-player mode.
What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been
Complete the world events achievements listed below.
Leading the Cavalry
Obtain 50 mounts (usable by a single character).
Filling Up The Barn
Obtain 25 mounts (usable by a single character).
Stable Keeper
Obtain 10 mounts (usable by a single character).
Momma Said Knock You Out (25 player)
Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas without dispelling or preventing frenzy in 25-player mode.
Win Eye of the Storm in under 6 minutes.
Glory of the Raider (25 player)
Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below.
Share The Love
Defeat Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty and have 5 unique party members get impaled throughout the fight.
Glory of the Raider (10 player)
Complete the 10-player raid achievements listed below.
Glory of the Hero
Complete the Heroic dungeon achievements listed below.
Kill 5 flag carriers in a single Eye of the Storm battle.
Storm Capper
Personally carry and capture the flag in Eye of the Storm.
Tabard of the Argent Dawn
Obtained a Tabard of the Argent Dawn from the Scourge Invasion event.
Storm Glory
While your team holds 4 of the bases in Eye of the Storm, personally grab the flag and capture it.
Get to the Choppa!
Obtain a Mekgineer's Chopper or a Mechano-hog.
The Coin Master
Complete the coin fishing achievements listed below.
Silver in the City
Fish up the silver coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain.
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Fish up the copper coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain.
Earn the Rival title in an arena season.
Consumption Junction
Defeat Trollgore in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty before Consume reaches ten stacks.
A Void Dance
Defeat Zuramat the Obliterator in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without killing any void sentries.
Earn the Gladiator title in an arena season.
Just Can't Get Enough (10 player)
Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber in 10 player mode.
Master of Strand of the Ancients
Complete the Strand of the Ancients achievements listed below.
Explosives Expert
Plant 5 Seaforium charges which successfully damage a wall in a single battle.
Not Even a Scratch
Win a Strand of the Ancients battle without losing any siege vehicles.
Ancient Courtyard Protector
Kill 100 players in the Courtyard of the Ancients.
Drop It Now!
Kill 5 players carrying seaforium in a single battle.
Alterac Valley Veteran
Complete 100 victories in Alterac Valley.
Artillery Expert
Destroy 5 vehicles using a turret in a single battle.
Kill 50 rookery whelps within 15 seconds.