World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft — легендарный многопользовательский ролевой экшен с видом от третьего лица в фэнтезийной вселенной Warcraft. Полный решимости заселить засушливые... Подробнее
7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 129 (достижения 6401 — 6450)
You Had it Coming
Get what you deserve.
Free Stylin'
Start a fashion trend by crafting each of the following stylin' hats listed below.
Plentiful Prospects
Perform Prospecting or Crushing operations on ore or gems 2000 times with the Jewelcrafting profession.
Massive Mills
Perform Milling operations on herbs 2000 times with the Inscription profession.
Generations of Gemstones IV
Craft 2000 times with the Jewelcrafting profession.
Generations of Gemstones III
Craft 1000 times with the Jewelcrafting profession.
Generations of Gemstones II
Craft 500 times with the Jewelcrafting profession.
Quite the Quilt IV
Craft 2000 times with the Tailoring profession.
Quite the Quilt III
Craft 1000 times with the Tailoring profession.
Quite the Quilt II
Craft 500 times with the Tailoring profession.
A Test of Scale IV
Craft 2000 times with the Leatherworking profession.
Enchantment IV
Craft or enchant 2000 times with the Enchanting profession.
A Test of Scale III
Craft 1000 times with the Leatherworking profession.
A Test of Scale II
Craft 500 times with the Leatherworking profession.
A Test of Scale I
Craft 100 times with the Leatherworking profession.
Generations of Gemstones I
Craft 100 times with the Jewelcrafting profession.
Ink and Quill IV
Craft 1500 times with the Inscription profession.
Ink and Quill III
Craft 750 times with the Inscription profession.
Ink and Quill II
Craft 250 times with the Inscription profession.
Ink and Quill I
Craft 50 times with the Inscription profession.
Dangerous Devices IV
Craft 2000 times with the Engineering profession.
Dangerous Devices III
Craft 1000 times with the Engineering profession.
Dangerous Devices II
Craft 500 times with the Engineering profession.
Dangerous Devices I
Craft 100 times with the Engineering profession.
Ohn'ahran Plains Glyph Hunter
Find the following dragon glyphs in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
Sleeping on the Job
Target and /sleep next to the following Dreamguards in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
Blade of the Primus
Complete the Maldraxxus storylines listed below.
Adventures: Off To Adventure
Raise three adventurers to level 60 in Adventures.
All The Colors of the Painbow
Defeat Mad Mortimer after being afflicted by Fiery Veins, Frozen, and Uncontrolled Vomiting.
The Hoot of the Issue
Defeat Alderyn and Myn'ir, and Splinterbark Nightmare in a Trial of Loyalty as Mikanikos.
Bastion of Protection
Defeat Kalisthene and Craven Corinth while using the Spiritforged Aegis.
Adventures: Protector of the Shadowlands
Complete 100 adventures.
Adventures: Leaves in the Forest
Complete 10 adventures.
Adventures: A Step in the Right Direction
Complete an adventure.
Adventures: Into the Breach
Complete the following Maw adventures.
Adventures: Harmony of Purpose
Collect all 12 adventurers from your Covenant.
Adventures: Strength and Resilience
Level an adventurer to level 60.
Adventures: Now You're Cooking
Level an adventurer to level 40.
Adventures: Learning the Ropes
Level an adventurer to level 20.
Nexus of Bonds
Unlock all rows in all three of your covenant's soulbinds.
Charmed, I'm Sure
Overcome a Trial of Wisdom with five Charms equipped.
Unwavering Bond
Unlock your covenant's third soulbind.
A Resolute Bond
Unlock your covenant's second soulbind.
Bound with Purpose
Unlock your covenant's first soulbind.
Fashion Abomination
Create each of these Fashion Accessories with Abominable Stitching.
I Live, I Die, I Queue Again
Collect any armor set from Shadowlands PvP Season 1.
Shadowlands Voyager
Complete the Shadowlands achievements listed below.
Opposing Orgrimmar
Kill Rokhan.
Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater
Obtain the Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater from Shadowlands Season 1.
Executing the Exarch
Kill High Exarch Turalyon.