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7343 достижения для World of Warcraft (Blizzard) / Страница 122 (достижения 6051 — 6100)

Достижение Junior Racing Champion в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Junior Racing Champion
Became a legendary racer and course maker using the Junior Timekeeper's Racing Belt.
Достижение Verdant Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Verdant Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 3
End Dragonflight PvP Season 3 in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder (requires 150 games won in Dragonflight Season 3).
Достижение Fruit of the Bloom в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Fruit of the Bloom
Acquire every Superbloom Dreamfruit power at least once.
Достижение The Seeds I Sow в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
The Seeds I Sow
Contribute 100 seeds to the Emerald Bounty.
Достижение Explore the Emerald Dream в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Explore the Emerald Dream
Explore the Emerald Dream, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
Достижение Freshscales Fifteen в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Freshscales Fifteen
Achieve renown fifteen with all major factions on the Dragon Isles.
Достижение Dragon Isles Pathfinder в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Dragon Isles Pathfinder
Complete the Dragon Isles achievements listed below.
Достижение Emerald Dream Glyph Hunter в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Emerald Dream Glyph Hunter
Find the following dragon glyphs in the Emerald Dream.
Достижение Legend: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Legend: Dragonflight Season 3
Win 100 Rated Solo Shuffle rounds while at Elite rank during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Verdant Gladiator's Slitherdrake в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Verdant Gladiator's Slitherdrake
Obtain the Verdant Gladiator's Slitherdrake from Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Tour of Duty: Emerald Dream в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Tour of Duty: Emerald Dream
Earn 1000 honor in Emerald Dream while in War Mode.
Достижение Friends In Feathers в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Friends In Feathers
Rescue the following moonkin hatchlings during the "Claws For Concern" quest in the Whorlwing Basin.
Достижение Verdant Vogue в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Verdant Vogue
Collect any armor set from Dragonflight PvP Season 3 or Season 4.
Достижение Warden of the Dream в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Warden of the Dream
Reach rank 20 renown with the Dream Wardens.
Достижение Friends in the Dream в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Friends in the Dream
Reach rank 15 renown with the Dream Wardens.
Достижение Sowing the Seeds в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Sowing the Seeds
Contribute 50 seeds to the Emerald Bounty.
Достижение Rival I: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Rival I: Dragonflight Season 3
Earn the rank of Rival I during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение The Emerald Bounty в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
The Emerald Bounty
Contribute 10 seeds to the Emerald Bounty.
Достижение Ducks In A Row в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Ducks In A Row
Defeat the Council of Dreams after recruiting Sergeant Quackers to join the cause in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope on Normal difficulty or higher.
Достижение Lil' Frostwing в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Lil' Frostwing
Owner of the Lil' Frostwing pet.
Достижение On The Rocks в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
On The Rocks
Defeat Prince Keleseth in Utgarde Keep on Heroic Difficulty without shattering any Frost Tombs.
Достижение Hero of the Alliance: Verdant в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Hero of the Alliance: Verdant
End Dragonflight Season 3 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Dragonflight Season 3).
Достижение Hero of the Horde: Verdant в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Hero of the Horde: Verdant
End Dragonflight Season 3 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Dragonflight Season 3).
Достижение Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 3
Earn the rank of Challenger II during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Challenger I: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Challenger I: Dragonflight Season 3
Earn the rank of Challenger I during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Combatant II: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Combatant II: Dragonflight Season 3
Earn the rank of Combatant II during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Combatant I: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Combatant I: Dragonflight Season 3
Earn the rank of Combatant I during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Duelist: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Duelist: Dragonflight Season 3
Earn the rank of Duelist during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Rival II: Dragonflight Season 3 в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Rival II: Dragonflight Season 3
Earn the rank of Rival II during Dragonflight Season 3.
Достижение Hero of the Horde: Draconic в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Hero of the Horde: Draconic
End Dragonflight Season 4 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Dragonflight Season 4).
Достижение Kissed by the Wind в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Kissed by the Wind
Obtained a transformative blessing from Ohn'ahra herself.
Достижение Outland Reverse: Silver в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Outland Reverse: Silver
Obtain silver in all reverse races in Outland.
Достижение Kun-Lai Summit в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Kun-Lai Summit
Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Campaign: Krasarang Wilds в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Campaign: Krasarang Wilds
Complete the Krasarang Wilds storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Достижение Campaign: Krasarang Wilds в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Campaign: Krasarang Wilds
Complete the Krasarang Wilds storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Достижение Campaign: Valley of the Four Winds в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Campaign: Valley of the Four Winds
Complete the Valley of the Four Winds storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Достижение Campaign: The Jade Forest в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Campaign: The Jade Forest
Complete The Jade Forest storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Достижение Campaign: The Jade Forest в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Campaign: The Jade Forest
Complete The Jade Forest storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Достижение Escalation в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Complete three of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Isle of Thunder в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Isle of Thunder
Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Landfall в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Dread Wastes в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Dread Wastes
Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Townlong Steppes в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Townlong Steppes
Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Vale of Eternal Blossoms в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Krasarang Wilds в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Krasarang Wilds
Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Campaign: Kun-Lai Summit в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Campaign: Kun-Lai Summit
Complete the Kun-Lai Summit storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Достижение Valley of the Four Winds в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Valley of the Four Winds
Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение The Jade Forest в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
The Jade Forest
Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Достижение Infinite Power в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Infinite Power
Equip the Cloak of Infinite Potential.
Достижение Hearthstoned: Fiery Edition в игре World of Warcraft для Blizzard
Hearthstoned: Fiery Edition
Owner of the Fiery Hearthsteed mount from the Hearthstone Anniversary promotion.