The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — заключительная часть трилогии приключений Геральта из Ривии. В 2022 году все её обладатели получили бесплатное next-gen обновление до The... Подробнее
Все достижения, призы и трофеи
Скрывать секретные Показывать секретные78 достижений для The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (GOG) / Страница 2 (достижения 51 — 78)

The King is Dead
Defeat Eredin.

Passed the Trial
Finish the game on any difficulty.

Ran the Gauntlet
Finish the game on the 'Blood and Broken Bones!' or 'Death March!' difficulty levels.

Something More
Find Ciri.

Visit Tir ná Lia and convince Ge'els to betray Eredin.

Family Counselor
Find the baron's wife and daughter.

A Friend in Need
Find and free Dandelion.

Humpty Dumpty
Kill 10 opponents by knocking them off somewhere high with the Aard Sign.

That Is the Evilest Thing…
Ignite the gas produced by a Dragon's Dream bomb using a burning opponent. Do this 10 times.

Power Overwhelming
Have all possible Place of Power bonuses active at the same time.

Pest Control
Destroy all monster nests in the Velen / Novigrad region, or in Skellige.

Armed and Dangerous
Find and equip all the elements of one set of witcher gear.

Read 30 books, journals or other documents.

Let's Cook!
Learn 12 potion formulae.

Gwent Master
Defeat Tybalt and win the gwent tournament held at the Passiflora.

Collect the formulae for 6 different bomb types.

Card Collector
Acquire all gwent cards available in the base version of the game.

Discover 100 fast travel points.

What Was That?
Attack, counter, cast a Sign and throw a bomb (in any order) in under 4 seconds.

Can't Touch This!
Kill 5 foes in a fight without taking damage (except for Toxicity) and without using the Quen Sign.

Even Odds
Kill 2 monsters you have a contract on without using Signs, potions, mutagens, oils or bombs.

Defeat Olaf, the Skellige champion of unarmed combat.

Make an opponent suffer from bleeding, poisoning and burning simultaneously. Do this 10 times.

Master Marksman
Kill 50 human and nonhuman opponents by striking them in the head with a crossbow bolt.

Butcher of Blaviken
Kill at least 5 opponents in under 10 seconds.

Triple Threat
Kill 3 opponents in one fight using 3 different methods (swords, bombs, crossbow, Signs, etc.).

Fill all mutagen slots.

The Grapes of Wrath Stomped
Help unite the warring vineyards and have a wine named in your honor.