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40 достижений для Rex Rocket (Steam)

Достижение «What the hell is an energon?» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
What the hell is an energon?
Collect 5000 energons.
Достижение «Almost only counts with horseshoes» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Almost only counts with horseshoes
Collect all 7 grenade expansions.
Достижение «It always comes back» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
It always comes back
Find the Boomerang.
Достижение «Run, Rex, Run!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Run, Rex, Run!
Find the Air-Talarias.
Достижение «Someone invent this already!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Someone invent this already!
Obtain the jet pack.
Достижение «Catch!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Obtain grenades.
Достижение «Bigger, Faster, Stronger!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Bigger, Faster, Stronger!
Collect 15 health expansions.
Достижение «Pumped Up!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Pumped Up!
Collect all 40 health expansions.
Достижение «More firepower!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
More firepower!
Collect 15 ammo expansions.
Достижение «Clean up in Lower Decks» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Clean up in Lower Decks
Defeat the Slime Boss.
Достижение «Down in front!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Down in front!
Find the Grenade Launcher.
Достижение «Enforce this!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Enforce this!
Defeat the Enforcer-Bot.
Достижение «1.21 Gigawatts!!!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
1.21 Gigawatts!!!
Defeat the Electro-Bot.
Достижение «Where can I get one of those?» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Where can I get one of those?
Defeat the Slime-Mech.
Достижение «Hasta La Vista» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Hasta La Vista
Defeat the Commando-Bot.
Достижение «Took out the space trash!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Took out the space trash!
Defeat the Waste-Bot.
Достижение «Hold still a sec!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Hold still a sec!
Defeat the Teleport-Bot.
Достижение «Crusher the Crusher» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Crusher the Crusher
Defeat the Crusher-Bot.
Достижение «Like a missile with a brain» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Like a missile with a brain
Find the Tracking gun.
Достижение «A Walking Armory» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
A Walking Armory
Obtain every weapon in the game.
Достижение «Play that funky music space boy!» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Play that funky music space boy!
Find all 18 missing records.
Достижение «You have been terminated» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
You have been terminated
Defeat 5000 helperBots.
Достижение «I <3 books» в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
I <3 books
Find all 3 missing books.
Достижение &laquo;You got mad hops&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
You got mad hops
Preform 200 charge jumps.
Достижение &laquo;Chatterbox!&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Talk to 100 NPCs.
Достижение &laquo;Makin&#039; Rex pancakes&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Makin' Rex pancakes
Get crushed.
Достижение &laquo;You&#039;ve got something on your boot&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
You've got something on your boot
Destroy 1000 terra-oozlings.
Достижение &laquo;I&#039;m not cleaning that up&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
I'm not cleaning that up
Defeat 5000 terra-oozlings.
Достижение &laquo;Why can&#039;t we be friends&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Why can't we be friends
Defeat 1000 helperBots.
Достижение &laquo;It&#039;s harder than it looks&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
It's harder than it looks
Die 25 times.
Достижение &laquo;Grew up playing these&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Grew up playing these
Complete the game without dying more than 10 times.
Достижение &laquo;The goggles do nothing!&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
The goggles do nothing!
Die in acid.
Достижение &laquo;Who put those there?&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Who put those there?
Die from spikes.
Достижение &laquo;Tl;dr&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Collect 40 info nodes.
Достижение &laquo;All about the lore!&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
All about the lore!
Collect 80 info nodes.
Достижение &laquo;TRYHARD&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Defeat a boss without taking any damage.
Достижение &laquo;Rad Moonmaster!&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Rad Moonmaster!
Complete the game and become a hero again.
Достижение &laquo;All day err day&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
All day err day
Complete the game without using a continue.
Достижение &laquo;Things to do, AI&#039;s to destroy&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
Things to do, AI's to destroy
Complete the game in less than 3 hours.
Достижение &laquo;This is my ship!&raquo; в игре Rex Rocket для Steam
This is my ship!
Defeat LAUREN.