Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 15.12.2019]

  • MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries — Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 15.12.2019]
Автор: Csimbi
Размер: 4.75 kB
Добавил: xam_xam
Дата: 16 декабря 2019, 06:41
Загрузок: 270


- Movement Speed Mod; so you can change your movement speed on foot.

- [Изм. Скорость Перемещения]

- Jump Speed Mod; so you can change your jump speed on foot.

- [Изм. Высоту Прыжков]

- Min. Cash.; so you can always have a min. amount of CBills.

- [Мин. Наличности]

- Mech Tonnage Mod; so you can change the calculated weight of you mech (allows you to equip more stuff).

- [Мин. Грузоподъёмность]

- Min. Weapon Count; so you can always have a min. amount of weapons. Go to loadout screen, enable, then tick and untick the 'valid only' box and all weapons you have in your stored will be brought up to the min. count — and then disable it until you need it again. Does not apply to weapons that are temporary (you actually need to have a weapon taken off the mech and put into storage in order to change its amount). Note: I'm not sure what else might be using the same code, so it might be a good idea to enable only while equipping a mech.

- [Мин. Счётчик Вооружения]

- Min. Equipment Count; so you can always have a min. amount of equipment. Exactly the same as Min. Weapon Count, just for equipment.

- [Мин. Количество Снаряжения]

- Refit Cost Mod; so you can change the amount of CBills required to repair/refit a mech.

- [Изм. Количество Ресурсов для Починки]

- Refit Time Mod; so you can change the amount of time required to repair/refit a mech.

- [Изм. Скорость Починки]

- Negotiation Pts. Remaining; This is a pointer which updates when you spend at least one. You can add more points as you like, so you can get more cash and salvage (although you will soon realize, you won't need either because salvage is crap — you get better stuff from the market).

- [Остатки Очков Переговоров]

- Deploy Any Tons; You can start your mission irrespective of deployment tonnage limit.

- [Игнорировать Лимит Грузоподъёмности]

- God Mode; exactly that, for player only.

- [Бессмертие]

- No Recoil; no more headaches or dizziness, just enjoy the show.

- [Без Отдачи]

- Infinite Ammo; exactly that, for player only.

- [Беск. Патроны]

- Damage Mod; if you disable God Mode, you can use this to adjust the amount of damage you take (player only).

- [Изм. Количество Здоровья]

- Mech Cooldown Mod; adjust heat dissipation speed via this setting (player only).

- [Изм. Скорость Перегрева]

- Weapon Cooldown Mod; adjust weapon recycle speed via this setting (player only).

- [Изм. Скорость Смены Оружия]

- Infinite Jump Jet; keeps your JJ fuel at max. (player only)

- [Беск. Джетпак]

- Jump Jet Vertical Speed Mod; you can change the vertical speed boost you get while using the jump jet. Flight simulator, anyone?

- [Изм. Скорость Вертикальных Прыжков]

- Jump Jet Forward Speed Mod; you can change the forward speed boost you get while using the jump jet. Flight simulator, anyone?

- [Изм. Скорость Прыжков Вперёд]

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