Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 25.03.2020] [1.5.0-13493.1921376]

  • Total War: Three Kingdoms — Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 25.03.2020] [1.5.0-13493.1921376]
Автор: maximus_erectus
Размер: 13.34 kB
Добавил: Missiya
Дата: 31 марта 2020, 15:28
Загрузок: 353

-Character pointer- Указатель

Has pointers for exp, skill points and age (Based on STN's table)

Open the detail page of any lord.

-Money pointer- Деньги указатель

Has a pointer for money (Based on STN's table)

-Seasonal Deployment Pointer- Указатель сезонного развертывания

Adds a pointer to your current seasonal deployments

-Faction Curreny Pointer- Указатель валюты

Adds a pointer to your faction's special currency.

-Commandery Pointer- Командный указатель

Has pointers for population per settlement, reserves, public order

-Character Satisfaction- Удовлетворенность

All player characters will max out their satisfaction levels. (Player only)

-AI Diplomacy yesmen- АИ Дипломатия дамень

The AI will accept any of your diplomatic requests.

-Infinite reforms- Бесконечные реформы

You can select an indefinite amount of reforms on the reform tree screen.

After every 3-4 reforms you should close and re-open the reform tree screen to prevent crashes.

Best used in conjunction with a one-turn reforms script.

-Maximum Reserves- Максимальные резервы

Maxes out any reserves of player-owned commandery during end-turn phase. (player only)

(No mouse hover required)

-Maximum Public Order- Максимальный общественный порядок

Maxes out the public order of any commandery the player owns a county in during end-turn phase. (Player only)

(No mouse hover required)

-Set Faction Currency- Укажите валюту фракции

Will set your faction's special currency to X when ending your turn.

-Units Instantly Level up- мгновенно повысить уровень юнитов

Your units will level up to rank 10 in a single fight.

-Refill Spy Cover- Заполнить крышку шпиона

Your spies will fully recover their 'cover' whenever you select them. (Player only)

-Refill Spy Network- Шпионская сеть

Your spies will fully recover their 'network' whenever you select them. (Player only)

-Year Modification- Модификация

Allows you to either freeze the year to prevent aging, or set year to a custom year

-- Please take note that certain events require your lords to be of a certain age to fire

-- It's recommended to wait till the events you want have been fired, then set the year to an older year

-- This option can be toggled between Player Only and AI + Player

-Limit character aging- Лимитировать характер старения

Prevents your characters from aging beyond a customisable age.

-Character Attribute Editor- Редактор атрибутов персонажа

Allows you to change a character's attribute.

-- Hover over the attribute you want to edit

-- After editing the attribute, unequip and re-equip an item and/or unlock a skill

-- While using this script, unlocking a skill won't improve any attributes

-- Any modified attributes won't be saved when saving your game

-Trustworthiness Editor- Редактор надежности

Allows you to modify most of your trustworthiness modifiers.

-- Hover over your trustworthiness to populate the values

-- Requires atleast one trustworthiness modifier

-Diplomatic Relations Editor- Редактор отдела дипломатических отношений

Allows you to edit a faction's relationships' score towards you

-Prestige Editor- Редактор престижа

Allows you to modify your current prestige. (Player only)

-Dynasty Mode-Режим династии

  • Unlimited Time — Неограниченное время
  • Score multiplier — Множитель очков
  • Character pointer for skill points — Символьный указатель для очков умений

Процесс запуска:

1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу

2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.

3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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