5 достижений для Stellaris - Synthetic Dawn Story Pack DLC (Windows 10)

Достижение Does Not Compute в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
25 Points
Does Not Compute
Shut down the Contingency plan
Достижение Planet of the Mechs в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
50 Points
Planet of the Mechs
Terraform a planet into a Machine World
Достижение Distinctiveness Added в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
50 Points
Distinctiveness Added
As a Driven Assimilator, own cyborg Pops of at least 5 different species
Достижение Retirement Home в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
50 Points
Retirement Home
As a Rogue Servitor, own at least 10 Pops from Fallen Empires
Достижение Rise of the Machines в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
50 Points
Rise of the Machines
As a Determined Exterminator, conquer or eliminate all biological Empires in the galaxy