Игры Stellaris Трофеи и достижения

82 достижения для Stellaris (Windows 10) / Страница 2 (достижения 51 — 82)

35 Points
Growing Planes
Explore 5 Astral Rifts in one game.
40 Points
Tourist Trap
Own a planet with at least 10 different species on it
40 Points
Outside Context
Invade pre-FTL Earth while it is in the midst of a world war.
40 Points
Machine Supremacy
Win the game as a machine uprising.
45 Points
My name is Ozymandias
Claim the Eternal Throne.
5 Points
Domo Arigato
Build a Robot Pop
5 Points
Break On Through...
Research a Rare technology
5 Points
Store/have 1000 EC
5 Points
Survey one of each basic planet-class
5 Points
Mutual Understanding
Successfully negotiate a trade deal
5 Points
Have access to ten different strategic resources
5 Points
Brave New World
Colonize a planet
50 Points
A Tad Too Late
Discover Keides' Origin.
50 Points
Returned to Form
make friends...
50 Points
Paradise Found
Terraform a planet into a gaia world
50 Points
Win the game through any victory condition
50 Points
Battle Thralls
Have 3 other Empires as vassals
50 Points
Open up a shielded world
50 Points
Planned Obsolescence
As a materialist empire, have at least 75% of the pops in your empire be robotic in an empire with a
50 Points
Slave to the Systems
As an authoritarian Empire with at least 500 Pops, have at least 200 enslaved Pops
50 Points
Put a Ring On It
Have a ring world section as your capital
50 Points
Grand Admiral
Empire total fleet military power equals 100000
50 Points
Enlightened Times
Enlighten a Bronze or Stone age civilization
50 Points
Have your ruler be of a different species class than your founding species
80 Points
Rift Sealed
Destroy the portals employed by the invaders from another time and space
80 Points
Successfully capture an extragalactic matriarch
80 Points
What Was Will Be
Close the loop, or don't
80 Points
Develop the means to prevent nefarious infiltration
80 Points
Deus Vult
As a spiritualistic empire, own 4 holy worlds
80 Points
As a pacifistic empire, be at peace for 200 consecutive years (crises do not count as wars.)
80 Points
Very Open Borders
As a xenophilic empire, have migration treaties with at least 10 other empires
80 Points
Suffer not the Alien
As a xenophobic empire, purge all other sentient species in the galaxy