8 достижений для Stellaris - Federations Title Update DLC (Windows 10)

Достижение League of Nations в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
10 Points
League of Nations
Be a founding member of the Galactic Community
Достижение Let Us Go Forward Together в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
20 Points
Let Us Go Forward Together
Level up your Federation
Достижение We're Number One в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
30 Points
We're Number One
Be the leader of a max level Federation
Достижение Our Fleets will Blot Out the Stars в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
30 Points
Our Fleets will Blot Out the Stars
Construct a complete Mega-Shipyard
Достижение Whatever it is, I'm against it в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
30 Points
Whatever it is, I'm against it
Refuse to belong to any club that would have you as a member
Достижение Throw Your Weight Around в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
30 Points
Throw Your Weight Around
Have a Diplomatic Weight of over 9000
Достижение Humble Pie в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
40 Points
Humble Pie
Humiliate an Empire that is in the Supremacy Diplomatic Stance, forcing them out of it
Достижение Opposites Attract в игре Stellaris для Windows 10
50 Points
Opposites Attract
Have all eight ethics represented within your Federation