82 достижения для Stellaris (Windows 10) / Страница 1 (достижения 1 — 50)

1 Points
With Interest
As a Payback empire, finish what you started. Gain victory over MSI using the special Payback CB.

1 Points
As a Broken Shackles empire, eradicate slavery in the galaxy, including on Pre-FTL worlds.

1 Points
Dark Forest
Convert to a Fanatic Purifier as a FotD empire and eliminate... everyone!

1 Points
Back with Your X
Get the “good ending” to the Solarpunk quest chain, with Sol as your capital system.

1 Points
Research 12 pre-FTL Insight Technologies.

1 Points
No Good Deed…
Save a Pre-FTL experiment from failure, even though it puts you in breach of Galactic Law.

1 Points
The Path Not Taken
Have 10 colonies without ever discovering Hyperdrives.

1 Points
Nothing to See Here
Declare a war with a cloaked military fleet already in the primary target’s capital system.

1 Points
We’ll Make Great Pets
Have at least 10 pops of your primary species on display in Alien Zoos within your empire.

10 Points
Digging Deep
Earn a total Mineral income each month above 250

10 Points
Strange Mood
As a Master Crafter empire, fully construct a megastructure while you have a Covenant.

10 Points
A Home Away From Home
Conquer another species homeworld

10 Points
New Shining Star
Upgrade your capital to an Imperial Complex

10 Points
There’s a Zombie on my Lawn
As a Necroid empire destroy a Plantoid empire, or vice-versa, without blowing up their final planet.

10 Points
Can you Smell What the Lithoids are Cooking?
As a Lithoid empire, keep another Lithoid pop as Livestock or Process them.

10 Points
Tend the Garden
As custodian of Wenkwort Artem, make it a resort world with a Ranger Lodge and original blockers.

10 Points
Toxic Workplace
As a Toxoid Galactic Custodian or Emperor, insult all other members of the Community. (Min 3)

10 Points
Breaching the Planes
Explore an Astral Rift.

10 Points
Holy Water
Drench a Fallen Empire’s holy world.

10 Points
Power Overwhelming
Store/have 5000 EC

10 Points
Win a War against another Empire

15 Points
Dawn Of A Million Souls
Terraform 3 planets with Azaryn.

15 Points
The Grand Fleet
Build a fleet with a total fleet-size above 120

15 Points
Building Better Worlds
Terraform a planet

20 Points
... To The Other Side
Research 15 Rare technologies in a single game

20 Points
Fishing for Trouble
As an angler empire, provoke a Fallen Empire into declaring war on you and win.

20 Points
What Came Before
Find the home system of a precursor empire

20 Points
Growing Like Weeds
Have 10 organic pop assembly on your capital, as a budding species without the Clone Army origin.

20 Points
Rock Beats Paper
As a Lithoid empire, show the Galactic Community what you think of that strongly worded letter.

20 Points
Put a Cork in It
Construct a Dimensional Lock.

20 Points
As a humanoid species, infiltrate the homeworld of pre-FTL reptilians

20 Points
Could be Worse
Colonize a planet that started the game as a Toxic world, then turn it into a Tomb World.

20 Points
Recent History
As a Memorialist empire have Galactic Memorials on 5 tomb worlds created during the game

20 Points
Destroy the People of Earth!
As the Commonwealth of Man, destroy the United Nations of Earth while ruled by symbiotic brainslugs.

20 Points
We Bring Peace
Liberate 3 different empires while having Crusader Spirit Civic.

20 Points
Faster, Stronger, Better
Genetically alter a species (not uplift)

25 Points
Ethical Dilemmas
Have 6 different Ethics on the Council.

25 Points
Council of Elders
Requires 5 Council members that are at at least 100 years old.

30 Points
Fixer Upper
As an Idyllic Bloom empire, convert the junk worlds of the Ketling Star Pack into Gaia Worlds.

30 Points
Directive 67
As a Clone Army empire, denounce the Spiritualist fallen empire then destroy them.

30 Points
Quest Complete
Find the true ending of The Order’s noble quest.

30 Points
With Great Power
As Necrophages do not invade any pre-ftls and defeat the crisis OR have 10 observation stations

30 Points
Then Virgil, Now Beatrice
Return a long-dead species to life

30 Points
There be Dragons
Own 13 dragons and have them in your capital system.

30 Points
Clever Girl
Uplift a species

30 Points
Equality! Democracy! Freedom!
Overthrow the Ruler in a Civil War during the Under One Rule Origin.

30 Points
Old Friends
Receive a gift from a Fallen Empire

30 Points
The Industrial Re-Revolution
Earn a total Mineral income each month above 1000

30 Points
Birth of a Federation
Establish a Federation

30 Points
Room for Desert
Consume another empire’s desert homeworld.