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184 достижения для Stellaris (Steam) / Страница 2 (достижения 51 — 100)

Достижение Council of Elders в игре Stellaris для Steam
Council of Elders
Requires 5 Council members that are at at least 100 years old.
Достижение Equality! Democracy! Freedom!  в игре Stellaris для Steam
Equality! Democracy! Freedom!
Overthrow the Ruler in a Civil War during the Under One Rule Origin.
Достижение We Bring Peace в игре Stellaris для Steam
We Bring Peace
Liberate 3 different empires while having Crusader Spirit Civic.
Достижение Breaching the Planes в игре Stellaris для Steam
Breaching the Planes
Explore an Astral Rift.
Достижение Growing Planes в игре Stellaris для Steam
Growing Planes
Explore 5 Astral Rifts in one game.
Достижение Put a Cork in It в игре Stellaris для Steam
Put a Cork in It
Construct a Dimensional Lock.
Достижение Returned to Form в игре Stellaris для Steam
Returned to Form
make friends...
Достижение We’ll Make Great Pets в игре Stellaris для Steam
We’ll Make Great Pets
Have at least 10 pops of your primary species on display in Alien Zoos within your empire.
Достижение A Universe of Paperclips в игре Stellaris для Steam
A Universe of Paperclips
Create a perfect universe while meeting every quota as an Obsessional Directive empire.
Достижение Virtual Reality в игре Stellaris для Steam
Virtual Reality
Fully embrace the virtual world and leave no pop behind.
Достижение Burning Brightly в игре Stellaris для Steam
Burning Brightly
Complete an Arc Furnace and a Dyson Swarm in the same system.
Достижение Past the Expiration Date в игре Stellaris для Steam
Past the Expiration Date
As a nanite machine empire, consume a Fallen Empire's homeworld.
Достижение Mother Knows Best в игре Stellaris для Steam
Mother Knows Best
Submit to all of Cetana's demands.
Достижение Footsteps of the Prophet в игре Stellaris для Steam
Footsteps of the Prophet
As a Cybernetic Creed empire, defeat Cetana.
Достижение Mediocre! в игре Stellaris для Steam
Complete the Succumb to Tempest Challenge.
Достижение Humility before the Fall в игре Stellaris для Steam
Humility before the Fall
Complete the Inetian Traders’ Precursor chain.
Достижение Unpopularity Contest в игре Stellaris для Steam
Unpopularity Contest
Use the Tempest Invocator Relic to Summon a storm.
Достижение A Tad Too Late в игре Stellaris для Steam
A Tad Too Late
Discover Keides' Origin.
Достижение Nothing to See Here в игре Stellaris для Steam
Nothing to See Here
Declare a war with a cloaked military fleet already in the primary target’s capital system.
Достижение Directive 67 в игре Stellaris для Steam
Directive 67
As a Clone Army empire, denounce the Spiritualist fallen empire then destroy them.
Достижение Fishing for Trouble в игре Stellaris для Steam
Fishing for Trouble
As an angler empire, provoke a Fallen Empire into declaring war on you and win.
Достижение Destroy the People of Earth! в игре Stellaris для Steam
Destroy the People of Earth!
As the Commonwealth of Man, destroy the United Nations of Earth while ruled by symbiotic brainslugs.
Достижение Room for Desert в игре Stellaris для Steam
Room for Desert
Consume another empire’s desert homeworld.
Достижение Can you Smell What the Lithoids are Cooking? в игре Stellaris для Steam
Can you Smell What the Lithoids are Cooking?
As a Lithoid empire, keep another Lithoid pop as Livestock or Process them.
Достижение Rock Beats Paper в игре Stellaris для Steam
Rock Beats Paper
As a Lithoid empire, show the Galactic Community what you think of that strongly worded letter.
Достижение There’s a Zombie on my Lawn в игре Stellaris для Steam
There’s a Zombie on my Lawn
As a Necroid empire destroy a Plantoid empire, or vice-versa, without blowing up their final planet.
Достижение With Great Power в игре Stellaris для Steam
With Great Power
As Necrophages do not invade any pre-ftls and defeat the crisis OR have 10 observation stations
Достижение Recent History в игре Stellaris для Steam
Recent History
As a Memorialist empire have Galactic Memorials on 5 tomb worlds created during the game
Достижение Holy Water в игре Stellaris для Steam
Holy Water
Drench a Fallen Empire’s holy world.
Достижение There be Dragons в игре Stellaris для Steam
There be Dragons
Own 13 dragons and have them in your capital system.
Достижение The Path Not Taken в игре Stellaris для Steam
The Path Not Taken
Have 10 colonies without ever discovering Hyperdrives.
Достижение Quest Complete в игре Stellaris для Steam
Quest Complete
Find the true ending of The Order’s noble quest.
Достижение Toxic Workplace в игре Stellaris для Steam
Toxic Workplace
As a Toxoid Galactic Custodian or Emperor, insult all other members of the Community. (Min 3)
Достижение Could be Worse в игре Stellaris для Steam
Could be Worse
Colonize a planet that started the game as a Toxic world, then turn it into a Tomb World.
Достижение With Interest в игре Stellaris для Steam
With Interest
As a Payback empire, finish what you started. Gain victory over MSI using the special Payback CB.
Достижение Unshackled в игре Stellaris для Steam
As a Broken Shackles empire, eradicate slavery in the galaxy, including on Pre-FTL worlds.
Достижение Dark Forest в игре Stellaris для Steam
Dark Forest
Convert to a Fanatic Purifier as a FotD empire and eliminate all regular empires, fallen empires and enclaves.
Достижение Back with Your X в игре Stellaris для Steam
Back with Your X
Get the “good ending” to the Solarpunk quest chain, with Sol as your capital system.
Достижение Insightful в игре Stellaris для Steam
Research 12 pre-FTL Insight Technologies.
Достижение No Good Deed… в игре Stellaris для Steam
No Good Deed…
Intervene to save a Pre-FTL experiment from catastrophic failure, even though it puts you in breach of Galactic Law.
Достижение United Space в игре Stellaris для Steam
United Space
Build an Interstellar Assembly
Достижение Giga-Engineering в игре Stellaris для Steam
Have at least 4 fully operational Megastructures within your borders (Habitats, Ring Worlds and Gateways do not count)
Достижение Digging Deep в игре Stellaris для Steam
Digging Deep
Earn a total Mineral income each month above 250
Достижение The Good Stuff в игре Stellaris для Steam
The Good Stuff
Purchase a rare resource from the Traders
Достижение Infinite Creation в игре Stellaris для Steam
Infinite Creation
Birth a new universe
Достижение Whence It Came в игре Stellaris для Steam
Whence It Came
Defeat a horrifying invader
Достижение Dreadnought в игре Stellaris для Steam
Restore an ancient warship
Достижение Stellar Performance в игре Stellaris для Steam
Stellar Performance
Take a trophy from a stellar being
Достижение Warrior of Light в игре Stellaris для Steam
Warrior of Light
Destroy a wraith
Достижение Unravelling Enigma в игре Stellaris для Steam
Unravelling Enigma
Uncover the secrets of an ancient fortress