184 достижения для Stellaris (Steam) / Страница 1 (достижения 1 — 50)
Brave New World
Colonize a planet
None Shall Pass
Have a Fortress World with a Planetary Defense Shield, protected by a fully upgraded orbital ring, filled with defensive modules, with a fleet power of at least 10,000
We Come In Peace
Complete a mutually friendly First Contact with an empire with no negative incidents
They Come In Pieces
Vivisect an alien
Shoot To Kill
Start a full fledged first contact war before communications have been fully established
Burn Notice
Disavow all knowledge of an Asset during an Operation
All-Seeing Eye
Have an Intel Level of 100 on five different empires simultaneously
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Blorg
Complete at least ten distinct operations during a game
Surfing the Web
Have a network of at least 30 Hyper Relays, in systems you own, connected to your capital.
Yeet the Fleet
Catapult a military fleet directly into the capital system of an enemy empire you are at war with.
Gotta Subjugate Them All
Have a tier 3 subject of each Specialist type simultaneously.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Lead a rebellion that successfully deposes the Galactic Emperor
Fine Print
Modify a vassalization contract.
Maximally Effective
Be the patron of three maximum sized Mercenary Enclaves.
You Monster
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Meet the New Boss
Same as the old boss.
As a Subterranean empire, dig too deep, but prove yourself worthy.
Into the Unknown
As a Slingshot to the Stars empire, send 10 crewed science ships into the unknown with Quantum Catapults.
Non-Prophet Organization
As a Teachers of the Shroud empire, prove that the Shroudwalkers made a terrible mistake.
Fixer Upper
As an Idyllic Bloom empire, convert the junk worlds of the Ketling Star Pack into Gaia Worlds.
Growing Like Weeds
Have 10 organic pop assembly on your capital, as a budding species without the Clone Army origin.
Modern Cincinnatus
As Galactic Custodian, defeat the end-game Crisis and then end the title rather than finishing your term
With Thunderous Applause
Become the Galactic Emperor
Machine Supremacy
Win the game as a machine uprising.
Have 100 Minor Artifacts
It belongs in a museum!
Find a Relic
Relic Hunter
In one game, find 5 Relics from Ancient Relics Story Pack
Successfully investigate an archaeological site
Green Thumb
Complete the Baol Precursor chain
Dust Off
Complete the Zroni Precursor chain
Raiders of the Lost Galatron
Capture the Galatron from another empire
Study Minor Artifacts and discover a random technology
Unlimited Power!
Use the active effect of a Relic
League of Nations
Be a founding member of the Galactic Community
Big Red Button
Destroy the Galaxy
Let Us Go Forward Together
Level up your Federation
We're Number One
Be the leader of a max level Federation
Unstoppable Force
Build a Juggernaut
Our Fleets will Blot Out the Stars
Construct a complete Mega-Shipyard
Whatever it is, I'm against it
Refuse to belong to any club that would have you as a member
Throw Your Weight Around
Have a Diplomatic Weight of over 9000
Opposites Attract
Have all eight ethics represented within your Federation
Humble Pie
Humiliate an Empire that is in the Supremacy Diplomatic Stance, forcing them out of it
You've Been Served
Denounce an Empire that is not actually in breach of galactic law while all major sanctions have been passed
Tend the Garden
As custodian of Wenkwort Artem, make it a resort world with a Ranger Lodge and original blockers.
Strange Mood
As a Master Crafter empire, fully construct a megastructure while you have a Covenant.
We Are Legion
Be a biological Hive Mind with at least 1000 drone Pops
My name is Ozymandias
Claim the Eternal Throne.
Dawn Of A Million Souls
Terraform 3 planets with Azaryn.
Ethical Dilemmas
Have 6 different Ethics on the Council.