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184 достижения для Stellaris (Steam) / Страница 1 (достижения 1 — 50)

Достижение Brave New World в игре Stellaris для Steam
Brave New World
Colonize a planet
Достижение None Shall Pass в игре Stellaris для Steam
None Shall Pass
Have a Fortress World with a Planetary Defense Shield, protected by a fully upgraded orbital ring, filled with defensive modules, with a fleet power of at least 10,000
Достижение We Come In Peace в игре Stellaris для Steam
We Come In Peace
Complete a mutually friendly First Contact with an empire with no negative incidents
Достижение They Come In Pieces в игре Stellaris для Steam
They Come In Pieces
Vivisect an alien
Достижение Shoot To Kill в игре Stellaris для Steam
Shoot To Kill
Start a full fledged first contact war before communications have been fully established
Достижение Burn Notice в игре Stellaris для Steam
Burn Notice
Disavow all knowledge of an Asset during an Operation
Достижение All-Seeing Eye в игре Stellaris для Steam
All-Seeing Eye
Have an Intel Level of 100 on five different empires simultaneously
Достижение Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Blorg в игре Stellaris для Steam
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Blorg
Complete at least ten distinct operations during a game
Достижение Surfing the Web в игре Stellaris для Steam
Surfing the Web
Have a network of at least 30 Hyper Relays, in systems you own, connected to your capital.
Достижение Yeet the Fleet в игре Stellaris для Steam
Yeet the Fleet
Catapult a military fleet directly into the capital system of an enemy empire you are at war with.
Достижение Gotta Subjugate Them All в игре Stellaris для Steam
Gotta Subjugate Them All
Have a tier 3 subject of each Specialist type simultaneously.
Достижение Sic Semper Tyrannis в игре Stellaris для Steam
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Lead a rebellion that successfully deposes the Galactic Emperor
Достижение Fine Print в игре Stellaris для Steam
Fine Print
Modify a vassalization contract.
Достижение Maximally Effective в игре Stellaris для Steam
Maximally Effective
Be the patron of three maximum sized Mercenary Enclaves.
Достижение You Monster в игре Stellaris для Steam
You Monster
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Достижение Meet the New Boss в игре Stellaris для Steam
Meet the New Boss
Same as the old boss.
Достижение Underlord в игре Stellaris для Steam
As a Subterranean empire, dig too deep, but prove yourself worthy.
Достижение Into the Unknown в игре Stellaris для Steam
Into the Unknown
As a Slingshot to the Stars empire, send 10 crewed science ships into the unknown with Quantum Catapults.
Достижение Non-Prophet Organization в игре Stellaris для Steam
Non-Prophet Organization
As a Teachers of the Shroud empire, prove that the Shroudwalkers made a terrible mistake.
Достижение Fixer Upper в игре Stellaris для Steam
Fixer Upper
As an Idyllic Bloom empire, convert the junk worlds of the Ketling Star Pack into Gaia Worlds.
Достижение Growing Like Weeds в игре Stellaris для Steam
Growing Like Weeds
Have 10 organic pop assembly on your capital, as a budding species without the Clone Army origin.
Достижение Modern Cincinnatus в игре Stellaris для Steam
Modern Cincinnatus
As Galactic Custodian, defeat the end-game Crisis and then end the title rather than finishing your term
Достижение With Thunderous Applause в игре Stellaris для Steam
With Thunderous Applause
Become the Galactic Emperor
Достижение Machine Supremacy в игре Stellaris для Steam
Machine Supremacy
Win the game as a machine uprising.
Достижение Artificer в игре Stellaris для Steam
Have 100 Minor Artifacts
Достижение It belongs in a museum! в игре Stellaris для Steam
It belongs in a museum!
Find a Relic
Достижение Relic Hunter в игре Stellaris для Steam
Relic Hunter
In one game, find 5 Relics from Ancient Relics Story Pack
Достижение Archaeologist в игре Stellaris для Steam
Successfully investigate an archaeological site
Достижение Green Thumb в игре Stellaris для Steam
Green Thumb
Complete the Baol Precursor chain
Достижение Dust Off в игре Stellaris для Steam
Dust Off
Complete the Zroni Precursor chain
Достижение Raiders of the Lost Galatron в игре Stellaris для Steam
Raiders of the Lost Galatron
Capture the Galatron from another empire
Достижение Arcana в игре Stellaris для Steam
Study Minor Artifacts and discover a random technology
Достижение Unlimited Power! в игре Stellaris для Steam
Unlimited Power!
Use the active effect of a Relic
Достижение League of Nations в игре Stellaris для Steam
League of Nations
Be a founding member of the Galactic Community
Достижение Big Red Button в игре Stellaris для Steam
Big Red Button
Destroy the Galaxy
Достижение Let Us Go Forward Together в игре Stellaris для Steam
Let Us Go Forward Together
Level up your Federation
Достижение We're Number One в игре Stellaris для Steam
We're Number One
Be the leader of a max level Federation
Достижение Unstoppable Force в игре Stellaris для Steam
Unstoppable Force
Build a Juggernaut
Достижение Our Fleets will Blot Out the Stars в игре Stellaris для Steam
Our Fleets will Blot Out the Stars
Construct a complete Mega-Shipyard
Достижение Whatever it is, I'm against it в игре Stellaris для Steam
Whatever it is, I'm against it
Refuse to belong to any club that would have you as a member
Достижение Throw Your Weight Around в игре Stellaris для Steam
Throw Your Weight Around
Have a Diplomatic Weight of over 9000
Достижение Opposites Attract в игре Stellaris для Steam
Opposites Attract
Have all eight ethics represented within your Federation
Достижение Humble Pie в игре Stellaris для Steam
Humble Pie
Humiliate an Empire that is in the Supremacy Diplomatic Stance, forcing them out of it
Достижение You've Been Served в игре Stellaris для Steam
You've Been Served
Denounce an Empire that is not actually in breach of galactic law while all major sanctions have been passed
Достижение Tend the Garden в игре Stellaris для Steam
Tend the Garden
As custodian of Wenkwort Artem, make it a resort world with a Ranger Lodge and original blockers.
Достижение Strange Mood в игре Stellaris для Steam
Strange Mood
As a Master Crafter empire, fully construct a megastructure while you have a Covenant.
Достижение We Are Legion в игре Stellaris для Steam
We Are Legion
Be a biological Hive Mind with at least 1000 drone Pops
Достижение My name is Ozymandias в игре Stellaris для Steam
My name is Ozymandias
Claim the Eternal Throne.
Достижение Dawn Of A Million Souls в игре Stellaris для Steam
Dawn Of A Million Souls
Terraform 3 planets with Azaryn.
Достижение Ethical Dilemmas в игре Stellaris для Steam
Ethical Dilemmas
Have 6 different Ethics on the Council.