Игры Old World Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


366 достижений для Old World (Steam) / Страница 3 (достижения 101 — 150)

Kmt's Sunset
Couldn't handle the pressure (Egypt scenario 6)
Pharaonic Partly Balanced Ma'at
Kept Ma'at in balance on Pharaoh, but not all reach Sekhet A'Aru (Egypt scenario 5)
Build the Yazilikaya
Won the Hearts of Kmt
Kept Ma'at in perfect balance and won the Hearts of Kmt (Egypt scenario 5)
Partly Balanced Ma'at
Kept Ma'at in balance, but not all reach Sekhet A'Aru (Egypt scenario 5)
The Neter Collapsed
Failed so badly, the Neter collapsed and the universe stopped existing (Egypt scenario 5)
Lost the Hearts of Kmt
Failed to win the Hearts of Kmt (Egypt scenario 5)
Muwatalli II KIA
As Hatti, Muwatalli II killed in action at Battle of Qadesh (Egypt scenario 4)
Ramesses II KIA
As Kmt, Ramesses II killed in action at Battle of Qadesh (Egypt scenario 4)
Split the Army
Scout killed before getting message to Ptah and Set Divisions (Egypt scenario 4)
Pharaonic Ramesses II The Great
Major Victory at Battle of Qadesh on Pharaoh (Egypt scenario 4)
Pharaonic Qadesh Victory
Minor Victory at Battle of Qadesh on Pharaoh (Egypt scenario 4)
Jerwan Aqueduct
Build the Jerwan Aqueduct
Royal Library
Build the Royal Library
Qadesh Victory
Minor Victory at Battle of Qadesh (Egypt scenario 4)
Heliopolis in Heliopolis
Build the Heliopolis in Heliopolis
Win at the gamble mission (Behind the Throne)
That's My Queue!
Remove a Grand Vizier with a scheming mission (Behind the Throne)
Welcome the Special Ambassador (Behind the Throne)
What's the Worst That Happens?
Declare war impulsively (Behind the Throne)
Didn't Need it Anyway
Lose a bet, win the game without that city (Behind the Throne)
True Opulence
Complete opulence project with an extravagant leader (Behind the Throne)
New Difficulty
Win on New Difficulty
Colosseum in Roma
Build the Colosseum in Roma
Cothon in Carthago
Build the Cothon in Carthago
Jebel Barkal
Build the Jebel Barkal
Al Khazneh in Petra
Build the Al Khazneh in Petra
Jebel Barkal in Napata
Build the Jebel Barkal in Napata
Royal Library in Nineveh
Build the Royal Library in Nineveh
Yazilikaya in Hattusa
Build the Yazilikaya in Hattusa
Jerwan Aqueduct in Jerwan
Build the Jerwan Aqueduct in Jerwan
Build the Colosseum
Build the Heliopolis
Build the Cothon
Al Khazneh
Build the Al Khazneh
Ramesses II The Great
Major Victory at Battle of Qadesh (Egypt scenario 4)
Destruction at Qadesh
Major Loss at Battle of Qadesh (Egypt scenario 4)
Win a Single Player Game
Win a Single Player Game
Religious Dissent
Have dissent from all four world religions at the same time (The Sacred and The Profane)
Win a LAN Game
Win a LAN Game
Play a LAN Game
Play a LAN Game
The Royal Couple
Have Old World's two most famous faces married and ruling your nation.
The Clergy
Have a member of the Clergy join the Court (The Sacred and The Profane)
Have a character finish a Pilgrimage (The Sacred and The Profane)
Deposed Tribe
Help a Priest depose a Tribal Leader (The Sacred and The Profane)
Poetic Leader
Have a Leader with the Poet trait (The Sacred and The Profane)
The Mythical Beast
Follow the trail of a Mythical Beast (The Sacred and The Profane)
The Great Mage
Find a Great Mage (The Sacred and The Profane)
Kushite Paganism
Found Kushite Paganism
Hypatia the Teacher
Tutor a character with Hypatia (The Sacred and The Profane)