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80 достижений для Mount & Blade: Warband (Steam) / Страница 2 (достижения 51 — 80)

Достижение Melee Master в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Melee Master
Make one of your melee weapon skills 250.
Достижение Trick Shot в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Trick Shot
Land a shot with a difficulty of 10 while using a bow and arrow.
Достижение Best served cold в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Best served cold
Defeat 10 enemy parties in the snowy regions of Calradia.
Достижение Baron got back в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Baron got back
Win a battle against a lord or party who previously beat or captured you.
Достижение Get up Stand up в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Get up Stand up
Cleanse the town of bandits in the opening mission.
Достижение Khaaan! в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Kill 75 enemies with horse archery.
Достижение Look at the Bones! в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Look at the Bones!
Face off against 100 enemies using custom battle mode.
Достижение The Holy Hand Grenade в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
The Holy Hand Grenade
Kill 75 enemies with throwing weapons.
Достижение Agile Warrior в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Agile Warrior
Get either two agility related skills to 5 or one to 7.
Достижение Dexterous Dastard в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Dexterous Dastard
Make one of your ranged weapon skills 250.
Достижение Heart Breaker в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Heart Breaker
Get a character to elope.
Достижение Sold into Slavery в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Sold into Slavery
Sell 5 people to the ransom broker.
Достижение Happily ever after в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Happily ever after
Get Married.
Достижение Romantic Warrior в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Romantic Warrior
Learn 3 poems from tavern bards.
Достижение Book Worm в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Book Worm
Finish reading one book through the camping screen.
Достижение Abundant Feast в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Abundant Feast
Eat 6 different types food concurrently.
Достижение Morale Leader в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Morale Leader
Raise your soldiers' morale from low to excellent.
Достижение Good Samaritan в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Good Samaritan
Help a lord or party win a fight.
Достижение Medieval Times в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Medieval Times
Enter and win a tournament.
Достижение Got Milk? в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Got Milk?
Steal 3 cattle from a single village.
Достижение Mind on the Money в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Mind on the Money
Have two of the following skills at a 5; Looting, Inventory Management, Trade, or Prisoner Management.
Достижение The Bandit в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
The Bandit
Raid 3 caravans and raid 3 villages.
Достижение Old dirty scoundrel в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Old dirty scoundrel
Have a -50 relation with a lord, village, or faction.
Достижение Sarranidian Nights в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Sarranidian Nights
Camp in the Sarranid region of the map.
Достижение Help Help I'm being Repressed в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Help Help I'm being Repressed
Harass wandering peasants on the map.
Достижение Migrating Coconuts в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Migrating Coconuts
Visit every major town in Calradia.
Достижение Trojan Bunny Maker в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Trojan Bunny Maker
Get the engineering skill up to 5.
Достижение The Ranger в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
The Ranger
Have a 7 in one of the following skills or a 5 in two; Tracking, Path-finding, or Spotting.
Достижение Art of War в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Art of War
Have two of the following skills at a 5; Trainer, Tactics, Leadership, or Persuasion.
Достижение Lady of the Lake в игре Mount & Blade: Warband для Steam
Lady of the Lake
As a female character, give a companion character a great sword.