Игры Chime Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


12 достижений для Chime (Xbox 360)

10 Points
Quick Off the Blocks
Create a quad before the beatline has made its first pass of the level.
10 Points
The Beast
Create a quad containing 80 cells or more.
15 Points
Big Bucks
Score a total of 50 million points.
15 Points
The Musician
Find 6 different quad sounds on a level. Quads can be square, wide or tall, and either small or big.
15 Points
Fast Mover
Create 7 quads on the grid in one pass of the beatline.
15 Points
Juggle Master
Build up a score multiplier of 25 or more.
20 Points
The Snake
Create a single quad that covers the entire width of the grid on every level.
35 Points
Ultimate Champion
Get 100% coverage or more on every level in 3 minute mode.
5 Points
Play all the levels in both Time Mode and Free Mode.
5 Points
Completely fill the grid in Free Mode.
5 Points
The Juggler
Have 3 active quads onscreen at once.
50 Points
Fairy Godmother
You've done a great thing and made the world a better place. Here's a little gift!