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5 достижений для Battlestations: Pacific - Carrier Battles Map Pack DLC (Xbox 360)

Достижение The Protector в игре Battlestations: Pacific для Xbox 360
20 Points
The Protector
Protect both carriers as the Japanese in Escort mode on Map 12.
Достижение Siege of Midway в игре Battlestations: Pacific для Xbox 360
20 Points
Siege of Midway
Win a Siege mission on Map 11.
Достижение Northern Waves в игре Battlestations: Pacific для Xbox 360
30 Points
Northern Waves
Win a large map sized Island Capture mission on Map 14.
Достижение Battleship Shutout в игре Battlestations: Pacific для Xbox 360
30 Points
Battleship Shutout
Win 3 straight rounds without loss as the Japanese, in a battleship Duel on Map 13.
Достижение The Survivalist в игре Battlestations: Pacific для Xbox 360
50 Points
The Survivalist
Win a Competitive match without losing your submarine on Map 12.