Игры Swing Copters 2 Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


36 достижений для Swing Copters 2 (Google Play)

1000 Points
Snowy has joined the team
1000 Points
Leo Da Spini
Leo Da Spini has joined the team
1000 Points
Bronze medal
You've got a Bronze medal
1000 Points
Gold medal
You've got a Gold medal
1000 Points
Score first point
You scored your first point.
1000 Points
Silver medal
You've got a Silver medal
1000 Points
Platinum medal
You've got a Platinum medal
1000 Points
Team Of Super Stars
All pilots has joined the team
1000 Points
Fabi Crasher
Fabi Crasher has joined the team
1000 Points
Lil' Birdy
Lil' Birdy has joined the team
1000 Points
Spinkimaru has joined the team
1000 Points
Franki Mindless
Franki Mindless has joined the team
1000 Points
Momo the Kid
Momo the Kid has joined the team
1000 Points
Big Head
Big Head has joined the team
1000 Points
Baru Bouncy
Baru Bouncy has joined the team
1000 Points
Copta McEgg
Copta McEgg has joined the team
1000 Points
Simply Bad
Simply Bad has joined the team
1000 Points
Pinki Jolie
Pinki Jolie has joined the team
1000 Points
Broke Cat
Broke Cat has joined the team
1000 Points
Fati Belly
Fati Belly has joined the team
5000 Points
Master Franki Mindless
Franki Mindless has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Fabi Crasher
Fabi Crasher has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Lil' Birdy
Lil' Birdy has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Spinkimaru
Spinkimaru has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Leo Da Spini
Leo Da Spini has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Fati Belly
Fati Belly has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Momo the Kid
Momo the Kid has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Big Head
Big Head has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Baru Bouncy
Baru Bouncy has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Copta McEgg
Copta McEgg has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Simply Bad
Simply Bad has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Pinki Jolie
Pinki Jolie has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Broke Cat
Broke Cat has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Spinki Falling
Spinki Falling has collected all medals
5000 Points
Master Snowy
Snowy has collected all medals
5000 Points
Thank you for playing
You've beaten the game. Congratulations!!