Игры Prison Simulator Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


65 трофеев для Prison Simulator (PS4) / Страница 2 (трофеи 51 — 65)

A deal is a deal
Pay your first bribe
Dirty money
Make 1000$ from dirty buisness with prisoners
Prison bully
Beat 20 prisoners without any reason
Report 30 incidents during the monitoring duty
Spring cleaning
Search 16 cells in block B during cell shakedown routine
Almost like home
Buy all the avaliable prison upgrades and furniture
Asta la vista
Buy all available weapon
Cookie monster
Find and take 30 cookies
Small talk
Talk with prisoners 100 times
Use thundershock!
Paralyze 30 inmates with teaser
Smelly guy
Let the smelly guy take a shower first
Justice was served
End warden's dirty drug buisness
On the top
Your prison gain 1st place on the top list
I’m badass
Finish the campaign on Permadeath difficulty
Guard Master
Unlock all trophies