Игры Kaet Must Die! Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


21 достижение для Kaet Must Die! (Steam)

Survival Noob
You have safely made your way out of Anna's first trap on the easiest setting possible. Try harder, noob.
Mushroom Hunter
You have collected 10,000 mushrooms. Your dedication towards mindlessly picking up shiny objects is exemplary.
Annalinnia's Nightmare
You have beaten Annalinnia's entire murder dungeon without dying a single time on the Nightmare difficulty. She didn't believe it was possible, neither does anyone else, cheater.
Riding the FailBoat Eternal
You have managed to die to stationary enemies 1,000 times. They never moved, not even once.
Skull Hunter
You have collected 10,000 power skulls. Time to build your skull throne and sit atop of it while living in your skull mansion.
Skull Collector
You have collected 1,000 power skulls. With all that bone density osteoporosis will never affect you.
Skull Gatherer
You have collected 100 power skulls. Did you remember to use any of them?
Blood Vampire
You have absorbed 10,000 pints of blood. Welcome home Vlad, your steak shall be served raw and your goblets overflowing with type O Negative.
Blood Bat
You have absorbed 1,000 pints of blood. You are officially a vampire bat, now flap away little fella.
Blood Thrall
You have absorbed 100 pints of blood. Your stomach may have trouble digesting all of that.
Mushroom Collector
You have collected 1000 mushrooms. Maybe you should have looked for the clue's instead of following dead end paths.
Survival More Gooder
You have safely made your way out of Anna's first trap with an average amount of competency. If you were a real pro you'd do it on Nightmare setting.
Mushroom Gatherer
You have collected 100 mushrooms. Congrats on staying sane a little longer.
Sanity God
This is actually impressive, you've survived Annalinnia's mountain path nightmares without losing a single point of sanity. Although she begrudgingly gives you some respect for this, she believes you must have cheated somehow.
Sanity Elite
You have survived the more difficult task of besting Annalinnia's second sewer system nightmare without losing a single point of sanity. Hurrah to you, great work at basically being as good as a flashlight.
Sanity Specialist
You have survived the first sewer level without losing a single point of sanity. Congrats, you figured out how to stay in the light.
Failboat Admiral
You have died to zombie kills 100 times. You're now the Admiral of the Failboat fleet. You're mother will be so proud of you.
Failboat Captain
You have died to zombie kills 50 times. You're moving on up the failboat foodchain; you're so bad you are now a Failboat Captain.
Failboat Scrub
You have died to zombie kills 10 times. Way to man the failboat, scrub.
Nightmare Survivalist
You have bested Anna's first nightmare stage. Don't let it go to your head, there are more to go.
You found Zebukiel. Now go watch his Twitch stream.