Игры Crusaders of the Lost Idols Трофеи и достижения

Все достижения, призы и трофеи


99 достижений для Crusaders of the Lost Idols (Steam) / Страница 1 (достижения 1 — 50)

Getting Started
Complete the 'Getting Started' objective by resetting the world!
Fantastic Beasts
Complete the 'Fantastic Beasts' objective by beating area 650 in the 'Mischief at Mugwarts' campaign while escorting a self-absorbed wizard and fending off fantastic beasts.
Complete the 'Echoes' objective by beating area 600 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while under attack from yourselves.
Complete the 'Wowza!' objective by beating area 725 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign while a group of crafty wargmongers try to halt your progress.
Croakchief at Mugwarts
Complete the 'Croakchief at Mugwarts' objective by beating area 700 in the 'Mischief at Mugwarts' campaign while getting randomly frogged.
Follow the Breadcrumbs
Complete the 'Follow the Breadcrumbs' objective by beating area 675 in the 'Grimm's Idle Tales' campaign while escorting some helpless kids and fending off an evil witch.
The Haunted Ship
Complete 'The Haunted Ship' objective by beating area 650 in the 'Ghostbeard's Greed' campaign while an annoying ship randomly shows up and steals all your gold.
It's Getting Dark
Complete the 'It's Getting Dark' objective by beating area 625 in the 'Descent into Darkness' campaign before it gets too dark to see.
Gray Goo
Complete the 'Gray Goo' achievement by beating area 600 in the 'World's Wake' campaign before the Goo overtakes you.
Acme Dark Souls
Complete the 'Acme Dark Souls' objective by beating area 650 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign while dodging anvils that constantly fall from the sky.
Polkamans Go!
Complete the 'Polkamans Go!' objective by beating area 550 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign while catching Polkamans instead of completing quests.
Invisibility Cloak
Complete the 'Invisibility Cloak' objective by beating area 350 in the 'Mischief at Mugwarts' campaign while your enemies all don invisibility cloaks.
The Lost World
Complete the 'The Lost World' objective by beating area 650 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while fending off tough new Dinos.
Lone Pine Mall
Complete the 'Lone Pine Mall' objective by beating area 600 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign.
Nostalgia Trip
Complete the 'Nostalgia Trip' objective by beating area 500 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while only using the original 20 Crusaders.
Time-Lost Bosses
Complete the 'Time-Lost Bosses' objective by beating area 450 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while fending off bosses from much higher levels.
Lost In Time
Complete the 'Lost In Time' objective by beating area 400 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while escorting relics from the ages.
Don't Blink
Complete the 'Don't Blink' objective by beating area 350 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while under the gaze of Sobbing Cherubs.
Twin Pine Mall
Complete the 'Twin Pine Mall' objective by beating area 300 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign.
Video Game of Thrones
Complete the 'Video Game of Thrones' objective by beating area 450 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign with only your most Royal Crusaders.
Glitch Out
Complete the 'Glitch Out' objective by beating area 450 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign with a very glitchy group of Crusaders.
The Final Battle
Complete the 'The Final Battle' objective by beating area 550 in the 'Mischief at Mugwarts' campaign while your Crusaders are slowly picked off one by one.
Accio Monsters
Complete the 'Accio Monsters' objective by beating area 450 in the 'Mischief at Mugwarts' campaign while fending off really fast monsters.
Complete the 'Hamstrung' objective by beating area 600 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign without any useless DPS Crusaders.
Complete the 'Atrophy' objective by beating area 700 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while your Crusaders constantly take damage.
Complete the 'Tetris' objective by beating area 500 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign with a constantly shifting formation.
Getting to Know You
Complete the 'Getting to Know You' objective by beating area 500 in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
Dead Snow
Complete the 'Dead Snow' objective by beating area 750 while looking out for zombies in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
Vertical Limits
Complete the 'Vertical Limits' objective by beating area 700 while avoiding frostbite in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
The Long and Winding Road
Complete the 'The Long and Winding Road' objective by beating area 1000 in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
It's Getting Hot in Here
Complete the 'It's Getting Hot in Here' objective by beating area 700 with a portable volcano in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
It's the Climb
Complete the 'It's the Climb' objective by beating area 700 with a caterwauling songstress in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
Let's Dial In
Complete the 'Let's Dial In' objective by beating area 650 while protecting the Astronomy Arch in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
Call in the Eagles!
Complete the 'Call in the Eagles!' objective by beating area 650 with some hesitant eagles in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
Hit the Open Road
Complete the 'Hit the Open Road' objective by beating area 650 in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
The Journey of the Ring
Complete the 'The Journey of the Ring' objective by beating area 600 with a pack of halflings in the 'Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge' campaign.
Water Guns of Doom
Complete the 'Water Guns of Doom' objective by beating area 775 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign while hoards of water-gun toting monsters attack.
Park Pass
Complete the 'Park Pass' objective by beating area 400 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign.
Complete the 'Reversion' objective by beating area 750 in the 'Idols Through Time' campaign while your Crusaders de-level ever 25 areas.
It's Over Nine... Hundred?
Complete the 'It's Over Nine... Hundred?' objective by beating area 900 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign. That's it.
Couples Day
Complete the 'Couples Day' objective by beating area 800 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign with an equal number of males and females.
Mauled By Mascots
Complete the 'Mauled By Mascots' objective by beating area 750 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign without hurting any beloved characters.
Log Ride
Complete the 'Log Ride' objective by beating area 650 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign
The House of Horrors
Complete the 'The House of Horrors' objective by beating area 700 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign while exploring the House of Horrors.
Ferris Wheel of Doom
Complete the 'Ferris Wheel of Doom' objective by beating area 700 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign while some of your Crusaders go for a ride.
You Must Be THIS Tall
Complete the 'You Must Be THIS Tall' objective by beating area 600 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign.
Complete the 'Carousel' objective by beating area 500 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign with a limited yet shifting selection of Crusaders.
Roller Coaster
Complete the 'Roller Coaster' objective by beating area 500 in the 'Amusement Park of Doom' campaign while your DPS goes up and down.
Complete the 'Raid' objective by beating area 600 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign.
More Random Encounters
Complete the 'More Random Encounters' objective by beating area 400 in the 'Ready Player Two' campaign while fending off random boss encounters.