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Thief (Xbox)

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Дата выхода:Feb 27, 2014
Издатель:Feral Interactive (Mac)
Разработчик:Feral Interactive (Mac)

Garrett, the Master Thief, steps out of the shadows into the City. In this treacherous place, where the Barons Watch spreads a rising tide of fear and oppression, his skills are the only things he can trust. Even the most cautious citizens and their best-guarded possessions are not safe from his reach.

As an uprising emerges, Garrett finds himself entangled in growing layers of conflict. Lead by Orion, the voice of the people, the tyrannized citizens will do everything they can to claim back the City from the Barons grasp. The revolution is inevitable. If Garrett doesnt get involved, the streets will run red with blood and the City will tear itself apart.

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