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RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 Online 25 Gold Bards Xbox (DLC)

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Дата выхода:Dec 14, 2018
Издатель:Rockstar Games

This Gold Rush package contains 55 Gold bars to commemorate the last year of the California Gold Rush. This discount saves you more per bar than the 25 Gold Bar package and puts you well on the way to a life of wealth and prosperity in Red Dead Online. Unlike those of most prospectors, this is a get rich quick scheme that is guaranteed to work.

The frontier is a lawless place where nothing can be taken for granted… except for the trading power of cold hard bullion. With Gold Bars you can quickly unlock all manner of goods in Red Dead Online from custom modifications to your weapons to horse kits to unique items for your camp. While life on the range is full of doubts and uncertainties, Gold Bars can be relied upon to set you apart from the pack.

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