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Дата выхода:Mar 6, 2018
Разработчик:SQUARE ENIX

Buy Cheap FINAL FANTASY XV (PC) at Wyrel

For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.

FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

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