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CID the Dummy (PC)

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In a world obsessed with safety the once lowly Crash Impact Dummy has risen to aposition of great importance amongst us. Their day job - crashing, smashing, checking,re-checking and re-rechecking everything from lemonade to escalators to make theworld a better place.

Now, the Crash Impact Dummy inventor, Dr. B.M.Werken, has lost his daughter and haschoosen CID THE DUMMY to rescueerrfind her.
A chance to rescue the most beautiful girl in the world? Could bea chance to crashand smash with real purpose? Definitely!

CID THE DUMMY is a platform game that grabs you straight away with its amusingblend of action and puzzle-filled game play. Based around the multiple opportunities fora Crash Impact Dummy to get into mischief, the game blends classic platform elementssuch as timed jumps, collecting pick-ups, defeating enemies, and challenging bossbattles with more cerebral elements such as puzzles, clever weapon use and routefinding.

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