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Dishonored (Xbox)

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Дата выхода:Oct 11, 2012
Издатель:Bethesda Softworks
Разработчик:Arkane Studios

Experience the definitive Dishonored collection with the Game of the Year Edition. This complete compilation includes Dishonored, winner of over 100 Game of Year awards, as well as all of its additional content - Dunwall City Trials, The Knife of Dunwall, The Brigmore Witches and Void Walkers Arsenal.

Developed by Arkane Studios, Edge Onlines 2012 Studio of the Year, Dishonored is an immersive first-person action game that casts you as a supernatural assassin driven by revenge. With Dishonoreds flexible combat system, creatively eliminate your targets as you combine the supernatural abilities, weapons and unusual gadgets at your disposal. Pursue your enemies under the cover of darkness or ruthlessly attack them head on with weapons drawn. The outcome of each mission plays out based on the choices you make.

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